Mastering Mental Health Amidst Legal Battles

In this thought-provoking video, we delve into the crucial topic of maintaining mental health during long court cases. Join us as we explore the importance of resilience, patience, and strategic planning in this challenging process. Discover effective strategies to protect your mental well-being and stay grounded throughout the legal journey. Our expert insights and practicalContinue reading “Mastering Mental Health Amidst Legal Battles”

Hard copies of book on managing court cases available on Notion Press

The English and Hindi versions of the books on managing court cases are published and available for sale on Notion Press. English book link: Managing Court cases with Mental strength Hindi book link: अदालती मुकदमों में मानसिक शक्ति बढ़ाएं The books discuss about the causes of stress which affects our physical and mental health whileContinue reading “Hard copies of book on managing court cases available on Notion Press”

Animated video on “Maintaining mental and physical health in court cases”

Animated video on maintaining physical and mental health when fighting court cases. In this video we go through some tips and techniques on how to maintain our physical and mental health when fighting stressful court cases.

Maintaining mental and physical health when fighting court cases

Fighting court cases can be stressful. One can have various problems such as unfamiliarity with the court process, lack of control over the outcome, burden on finances, problems with the lawyer and so on. In such a situation, one needs to be extra careful of their mental and physical health when fighting court cases. MindfulnessContinue reading “Maintaining mental and physical health when fighting court cases”

Hindi book “अदालती मुकदमों में मानसिक शक्ति बढ़ाएं ” available in the Kindle store

The Hindi edition book “अदालती मुकदमों में मानसिक शक्ति बढ़ाएं” is now available in the Kindle store. It discusses how to maintain our mental health when fighting court cases. The link to the Kindle book is here. Synopsis: कभी-कभी हम अदालती मामलों से बच नहीं पाते हैं। भारत में कभी-कभी मामले कई महीनों या वर्षोंContinue reading “Hindi book “अदालती मुकदमों में मानसिक शक्ति बढ़ाएं ” available in the Kindle store”

New book “Managing Court Cases with Mental Strength” available in Kindle

My new book titled “Managing Court Cases with Mental Strength” is now available on the Amazon Kindle store. The link is here. Ongoing court cases can lead to a huge toll on our finances as well as our physical and mental health. Sometimes we may feel helpless and fall into deep stress or depression. However,Continue reading “New book “Managing Court Cases with Mental Strength” available in Kindle”

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